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Given its importance,  our  Institute can direct the entire installation and start-up of new ozone therapy centers based on requests from professionals,  either administrative interested in opening new clinics or in adapting a new department within an existing medical center. IDIOZONE also guarantees the basic preparation and advance of the personnel that will operate in this specialty and the execution of the promotional activity and the marketing plan for the new service, making the web pages and the use of the social networks in this sense.

Equipo para tratamientos de ozonoterapia

Training of professionals in  ozone therapy

Ozono con fines médicos

Dissemination of the use of ozone for medical purposes

The Institute  IDIOZONE  has within its corporate purpose to provide services dissemination, training, installation, application, research, and marketing of the use of ozone for medical purposes (ozone therapy) and the application of by-products derived from chemical reactions on some natural compounds and of the therapeutic benefits of these on the human organism and in veterinary medicine.

The Institute for the development and research of the use of ozone for medical purposes (IDIOZONE), the main objective is to spread and generalize the use of ozone therapy as an effective alternative, non-conventional therapeutic tool in medical, dental, and veterinary services both nationally and internationally.

As part of the informative activity on the use of ozone in medicine and veterinary medicine,  odontology our company is scheduled to conduct ozone therapy courses of basic and advanced levels aimed at professionals in these branches, both doctors, veterinarians, and auxiliary personnel, to that, they possess the scientific knowledge and preparation technique for this activity and are following the regulatory requirements at the  National and international.

The technical and scientific development achieved by researchers, teachers, or specialists  in ozone therapy techniques that are a part  member  of our Institute, allows the preparation of doctors, through courses  planned on the application of advanced techniques for the use of ozone, which  include the application of ozone therapy in treatments of  pathologies  What  are:  the vertiginous syndrome (cochlear-vestibular)  intra-discal treatment of disc herniation under radiological control employing fluoroscopy, high-impact techniques within this branch and the cure of demonological lesions  in the animals ​


Tratamiento de la hernia de  disco con ozono

Therapeutic applications of new techniques

Cómo crear nuevos centros o servicios de Ozonoterapia?

Installation of new centers  ozone therapy

Docencia médica en Ozonoterapia

Research and clinical trials in ozone therapy 

Servicio de Marketing y ventas

Our company manages the Marketing of Medical Devices through its Consultant and marketer World Medical Marketing which represents one of the most important factories and distributors of Medical Equipment, in addition to having the capacity to carry out the marketing of by-products from the use of ozone for medical purposes,  how is the oil ozonated that provide excellent results in the field of human medicine and the vet.


The preparation of researchers at the IDIOZONE Institute allows them to advise the realization of clinical trials in the field of ozone therapy that can be initiated by the centers interested in it, in addition to the feedback on the results of these clinical trials and the achievements made by specialists in the practical application of ozone therapy on the different pathologies treated, make possible the realization and publication of articles on this matter that will enrich the scientific field.

Marketing of devices

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